Sabine Coelsch-Foisner
Revolution in Poetic Consciousness
Vol. II: Poetic Consciousness and Lyrical Expression: The Ethos of Interiority

Won the Kardinal-Innitzer Förderungspreis 2001
2002, XIV, 474 Seiten
EUR 49,50
ISBN 3-86057-012-9


Volume II: Poetic Consciousness and Lyrical Expression focuses on the ethos of interiority (divided into the pastoral mode and the autobiographical mode), and the ethos of the numinous (divided into the archetypal, Christian, and epiphanic modes). The readings of Bellerby, Cornford, Jennings, Pitter, Raine, Ridler, Scovell, and Wellesley in accordance with these categories are extensive, lucid and discriminating and supported by material from Coelsch-Foisner’s own interviews and correspondence, from broadcasts, handwritten documents, and from a rich body of reviews collected in special archives and never brought together in this wealth.

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