ZAA - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture

Special issue:
Inscribing the Body: Representations of Corporeality in Literature and Art
Heft 2/1997

(Bild folgt) ZAA, Heft 2/1997
EUR 13,00

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Aus dem Inhalt:

Inscribing the Body: Representations of Corporeality in Literature and Art

Susanne Scholz: Body Narratives: Writing the Nation and Fashioning the Subject in Early Modern England

Walter Grünzweig
: "Whoever Touches this Book Touches a Man": Physical Texts, Textual Bodies, and the Organic Principle from Coleridge to Whitman

Susanne Opfermann
: How Woman Came to Be Somebody, Which Is All Body and No Body: Harriet Prescott Spofford’s "Circumstance"

Andrea Wörrlein
: "The female body - it’s a hot topic": Weibliche Körpererfahrung in Margaret Atwoods Romanen The Edible Woman und Bodily Harm

Martin Christadler
: Cindy Sherman’s Quest for Identity


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