ZAA - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture

Heft 3/1997

(Bild folgt) ZAA, Heft 3/1997
EUR 13,00

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Aus dem Inhalt:

Michael Hanke
: Christian Motifs in the Poetry of Charles Causley

Frank Schulze-Engler: Relocating Resistance: ‘Postcolonial’ Literature and the Politics of Civil Society

Nicholas Birns
: Weird White: The Allusive Dynamics of Literary History in The Twyborn Affair

Ruth Mayer
: Magical Mystery Tours: Ben Okri, Ishmael Reed and the New Age of Africa

Jürgen C. Wolter: "let people know where their power is": Deconstruction and Re-Membering in Toni Morrison’ Beloved


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