ZAA - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture

Heft 3/1999

(Bild folgt) ZAA, Heft 3/1999
EUR 13,00

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Aus dem Inhalt:

Marcel Thelen
: Prototypes and the Structure of the Lexicon

Jan Terje Faarlund and Peter Trudgill: Pseudo-coordination in English: the "try and" problem

Martin Löschnigg: '... the novelist's responsibility to the past': History; Myth, and the Narratives of Crisis in Pat Barker's Regeneration Trilogy (1991-1995)

Jutta Schampp
: Beyond Assimilation: Difference and Reconfiguration in the Works of Irena Klepfisz, Jyl Lynn Felman, and Rebecca Goldstein

Sunanda Moniga
: Structure-in-Process: Identity as Fabrication in Bharati Mikherhji's Jasmine


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