ZAA - Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture

Special issue:
Transculturations: Latin American Presences in US Culture since the late Nineteenth Century
ed. by Helmbrecht Breinig / Klaus Lösch
Heft 4/1999

(Bild folgt) ZAA, Heft 4/1999
EUR 13,-
ISBN 978-3-86057-829-2

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Aus dem Inhalt:

Special issue:
Transculturations: Latin American Presences in US Culture since the late Nineteenth Century
ed. by Helmbrecht Breinig / Klaus Lösch

Harald Zapf, The Theoretical Discourse of Hybridity and the Postcolonial Time-Space of the Americas

Dieter Meindl, Gertrude Atherton: Culturally Confused Californian

Stefan Mansfeldt, Identity and Hybridity in Puerto Rican Fiction in English

Gabriele Pisarz-Ramírez
, Reinventing Mexico: Chicano/a travelers and the construction of Mexicanness

Josef Raab, Chicanos and Anglos: Mestizaje in Jovita González, Gloria Analdúa, and John Sayles

Tomás Christ
, Excerpts from an Interview with Alejandro Morales

Markus Heide, "When Borders Migrate": the Frontier, Chicano Performance Art, and the Postcolonial in the Americas

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