Gerhard Stilz (ed.)
Colonies, Missions, Cultures in the English Speaking World: General and Comparative Studies

Band 12, 2001, 487 Seiten
EUR 86,-
ISBN 3-86057-741-7


This book presents a selection of those papers concerned with the general and comparative issues raised at the international conference on “Colonies, Missions, Cultures” staged in Tuebingen on 6-11 April 1999 by the European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLALS) and the Association for the Study of the New English Literatures (ASNEL). The congress was designed to take account of the complex dialectics of mission, colonisation and decolonisation in the English-speaking world. Thus the old and new forms of mission e.g. in hygiene, travelling, writing, ecology and electronic networking are assessed by experts. Arranged in four sections, contributions focus on the Colonial Logic of Missions, ‘Sub’missions and Forms of Resistance, the Formations and Deformations of Culture in the Colonial Process and, finally, Postcolonial Projects and Perspectives. The volume concludes with a “Summary Debate” based on the minutes and tapes made during workshops, panels and discussions with authors from Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Pacific, South Asia and the Caribbean. And index of names and subjects facilitates the reader's comparative orientation.

Table of Contents/ Authors of Articles

Introduction by Gerhard Stilz

A Colonial Constructions of Mission
Gareth Griffiths, Jamie S. Scott, Helen Tiffin, Syd Harrex, Paul Sharrad, Merete Borch, Meenakshi Mukherjee, Victor J. Ramraj, Jesus Varela-Zapata, Stephen Gray

B Submissions and Forms of Resistance
Chantal Zabus, Martina Ghosh-Schellhorn, Michael Green, André Viola, Kathleen Firth, Gordon Collier, Claudia Sternberg, Opal Palmer Adisa

C Formations and Transformations of Colonial Cultures
Lau Asofou So’o, Annalisa Oboe, Susanne Mühleisen, Lorenza Coray-Dapretto, Anne Fuchs, Isabel Schneider, Otto Heim, Janet Wilson

D Postcolonial Missions
Stephen Prickett, Natascha Pesch, Michael Meyer, Rajeev S. Patke, Tobias Wachinger, Therese-Marie Caiter, Barbara Korte, Sandra Ponzanesi, Klaus Peter Müller, Frank Schulze-Engler

Summary Debate
Lars Eckstein, Andrea Lutz, Daniela Öss, Marc Schäfer, Sylvia Tress, Sabine Vogler

The Authors

Index: Authors, Places, Subjects

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